camp hope
June 29-July 4,2025

​Program Overview
5 nights, 6 days (Sunday-Friday) of camp free of charge to families at East Bay Camp on Lake Bloomington- an ACA accredited and fully accessible campground.
Children ages 5-17 who have or had cancer, sickle cell disease, or other catastrophic illnesses.
LIT (Leader in Training) Program ages 17+
Day Camp for kids ages 5+ or patients that are unable to sleep overnight at camp.
We provide:
School of Nursing students as counselors in cabins with campers as extra layer of support.
24/7 onsite security
On-site staff support from child life and/or mental health professionals to help campers and to assist counselors during difficult conversations.
Age-appropriate and engaging medical education by RNs or Certified Child Life Specialists.
Memorial Service with activities and support for those friends/campers that did not survive.
Children facing cancer, blood diseases, or other life-threatening conditions often miss out on experiences that many take for granted. Due to their illness and treatment, these children are frequently immunosuppressed or medically fragile, making them particularly vulnerable in school, activities, or events with peers. Some may go years without interacting with others, leading to hindered social and emotional growth. Siblings of both survivors and those who have passed also seek connections with friends who understand their complex feelings, enjoying a week free from the stress surrounding a seriously ill child.
The mission of the Camp Hope program is to offer these children a week free from treatment-related stress, a supportive community of peers who share their unique challenges, and resources to help them cope with their illness and recovery.

Activity Highlights
Arts & Crafts
Climbing wall
Giant swing
Horseback riding
Medical education
Target sports
Young adult retreat
Please help continue this program with a donation today!

Around 80,000 young adults are diagnosed with cancer in the US. annually. Because it is so unexpected, this is the most underserved population battling cancer. These individuals are at risk for anxiety and depression due to disruption in their developmental trajectory, greater physical symptom burden, and increased likelihood of developing aggressive diseases. Our mission is to connect young adults through meaningful camp activities to build relationships and provide relevant information and resources to help them navigate their disease and its long-term side effects.​
Program Overview
Weekend retreats for young adults on or off therapy who have been diagnosed with cancer, a blood disease, or another life-threatening illness.
The program is free of charge and held at various locations including campgrounds and event venues.
Weekend retreat, (Friday- Sunday) free of charge for young adults ages 18-39 with cancer, blood diseases, or another catastrophic illness.
Patients may choose to bring a sibling/significant other ages 18-39.
On-site staff support from mental health professionals.
Workshops tailored specifically to Young Adult relevant concerns such as college and career, relationships, fertility, independence, financial, etc.
Teambuilding and challenge course activities.
Opportunities to connect, support one another, tell their story, and laugh together again, building and strengthening relationships.

Activity Highlights
Arts & Crafts
Climbing wall
Giant swing
Yoga and Wellness
Medical education
Resources on topics relevant to young adults
bereavement retreats
Please help start this much needed program with a donation today!

Program Overview​
Weekend retreats and supportive programming for families who have lost a child to cancer, a blood disease, or another life-threatening illness
Families who have lost a child or sibling to cancer, a blood disease, or another catastrophic illness.
This program is still in the planning stages and requires your support and funding to help out these families!
We provide:
Weekend retreat, (Friday- Sunday) free of charge to bereaved families
On-site round the clock support from mental health professionals
Workshops for parents/caregivers and siblings to creatively learn to manage their grief.
Age-appropriate and engaging grief education by Licensed Therapists and Certified Child Life Specialists.
Teambuilding and challenge course activities.
Memorial service with legacy and memory making projects.
An opportunity for bereaved families to join a lifelong supportive community.
Through Bereavement Camp retreats, families struggling with the loss of a child or sibling can find a community of support and understanding through their similar experiences. Our mission is to remember and honor the child lost, and to reconnect families by developing relationships through the meaningful activities of camp. A family that plays together stays together.

Activity Highlights
Arts & Crafts
Legacy projects
Climbing wall
Celebration of Life Memorial
Giant swing
Horseback riding
Therapeutic Activities
Family bereavement resources
Target sports
Konnect FAmily Retreats
Please help start this much needed program with a donation today!

When a child is diagnosed with cancer, their family often faces a lack of resources and support outside of the medical setting. The family's time and finances are consumed by treatment, causing activities for the family and siblings to become less of a priority. Siblings may struggle to comprehend the situation, experiencing anxiety, fear and grief. The goal of our Konnect Family Retreats is to offer families a weekend to regroup and spend much needed time together as a family. We provide an opportunity to connect with a supportive and enduring community of others who understand their unique challenges, and access to resources for coping for the future.
Program Overview
One week per year devoted to fun, friendships and support for kids whose parents have or had cancer.
Supportive programming provided throughout the year for both children and parents/patients.
The program is free of charge at Timber Pointe Outdoor Center on Lake Bloomington- an ACA accredited, fully accessible campground.
Children ages 6-16 with a parent who has or has had cancer are encouraged to join this lifelong community of support.
This program is still in the planning stages and requires your support and funding to help out these children!
We provide:
On-site round the clock support from mental health professionals to help campers and assist counselors during difficult conversations.
Age-appropriate and engaging medical education by Certified Child Life Specialists.
Connection programming for the parents of the campers.
Opportunities for kids to have fun and smile again with other kids who understand
Celebration of Life/Memorial Service, legacy activities, and support for those whose parents did not survive.
Special events and fun programming.

Activity Highlights
Arts & Crafts
Climbing wall
Giant swing
Horseback riding
Medical education
Target sports